Socialisti & Democratici dei Quartieri Flaminio, Parioli, Pinciano, Salario, Trieste, Nomentano, San Lorenzo

L' identità e le idee, i valori e i progetti della Sinistra Europea nel II Municipio di Roma

#knockthevote Europa: la settimana decisiva è ora!


Mancano 7 giorni cruciali alle Elezioni Europee: questo è il momento per affrontare le domande dei cittadini e proporre casa-per-casa le politiche democratiche e socialiste che la Commissione guidata da Martin Schulz realizzerà se eletta da tutti noi!

Ecco un breve riassunto della settimana scorsa.

11- 17 May An intensive week of campaigning, debating & door-knocking

Martin Schulz started his week in Brittany, France where he spoke to 1400 supporters of the Parti Socialiste at a campaign rally in Rezé alongside Jean-Marc Ayrault (12 May). Schulz enjoyed passionate exchanges with ex-employees of the symbolic Gad abbatoir in Lampaul, before an exchange with maritime professionals and scientists as IFREMER and a final speech at the University of Brest (13 May). Schulz then headed to Paris where he went head-to-head with Jean-Claude Juncker in a televised debate for French voters.

On 14 May, Schulz visited Verona, Italy where he attended a round-table discussion with local entrepreneurs, trade union representatives, journalists and candidates in front of 200 Partito Democratico supporters.

On 15 May, Schulz took part in a Presidential debate with all five common candidates, broadcast throughout Europe on TV and online. Schulz delivered an excellent performance, and was described in the media as “thoughtful and likeable” with “many of the best lines of the night.”

Social media analysts saw Schulz as the winner of the debate online, with his #NowSchulz hashtag getting as much mentions as all other candidates’ hashtags combined. Schulz has been the clear leader in the online campaign throughout this election, and continues to reach millions of Europeans online in each week.

On 16 May, Schulz travelled to Forbach on the Franco-German border, where he visited a co-working space for cross-border projects and attended a town hall rally with the Parti Socialiste candidates.

On 17 May, Schulz was in Umea in the far North of Sweden, joining the Socialdemokraterne top candidate for door-to-door canvassing, speaking directly to Swedish voters in their homes.

(C) 2014 #knockthevote PES

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Questa voce è stata pubblicata il 19 Maggio 2014 da in PD Roma 3.
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